Jay T. Stock
Principal Investigator -
Professor of Anthropology
Keywords: skeletal biology, phenotypic plasticity, the evolution of human variation, human growth and development, evolutionary ecology, skeletal robusticity, biomechanics and behaviour, functional morphology and locomotion, morphological integration, body size and allometry, bioarchaeology, hunter-gatherer behavioural ecology, the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, coastal hunter-gatherer adaptations, the origins of agriculture and sedentary societies
Regional: sub-saharan Africa, south Asia, the Levant, Europe, the Andaman Islands.
PAVELab Dataverse:
Selected Publications
Stock, J.T., Will, M., Wells, J.C.K. (in press) The Extended Evolutionary Synthesis and Distributed Adaptation in the Genus Homo: Phenotypic Plasticity and Behavioral Adaptability. Paleoanthropology.
Longman, D. P., Wells, J. C. K., &Stock, J. T. (2023). Human energetic stress associated with upregulation of spatial cognition. American Journal of Biological Anthropology,1–13.
Stock, J.T., Pomeroy, E., Ruff, C.B., Brown, M., Gasperetti, M.A., Li, F.J., Maher, L., Malone, C., Mushrif, V., Parkinson, E., Rivera, M., Siew, Y.Y., Stefanovic, S., Stoddart, S., Zariņa, G., Wells, J.C.K. (2023) Long-term trends in human body size track regional variation in subsistence transitions and growth acceleration linked to dairying. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 120 (4), e2209482119
Stock, J.T., Wells, J.C.K. (2023) Dairying and the evolution and consequences of lactase persistence in humans. Animal Frontiers 13(3):7-13.
Saers, J.P.P., Gordon, A.D., Ryan, T.M., Stock,
J.T. (2022) Trabecular
bone ontogeny tracks neural development and life history
among humans and non-human primates. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences. 119 (49),
Longman, D., Dolan, E., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2023) Patterns of energy allocation during energetic scarcity; evolutionary insights from ultra-endurance events. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 281:111422.
Stock, J.T., Pomeroy, E., Wedage, O., Eragama, S., Deraniyagala, S., Perera, N., Roberts, P., Boivin, N., Petraglia, M.D. (2022) Early Holocene human burials from Fa Hien-lena and Kuragala, Sri Lanka. Ancient Lanka
Ariano, B., Mattiangeli, V., Breslin, E.M., Parkinson, E.W., McLaughlin, R., Thompson, J.E., Power, R.K., Stock, J.T., Mercieca-Spiteri, B., Stoddart, S., Malone, C., Gopalakrishnan, S., Cassidy, L.M., Bradley, D.G. (2022) Ancient Maltese genomes and the genetic geography of Neolithic Europe. Current Biology. 32, 2668-2680.e6.
Decrausaz, S.L., Shirley, M., Stock, J.T., Williams, J., Fewtrell, M., Clark, C., Arthurs, O., Wells, J.C.K. (2022) Evaluation of Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry compared to magnetic resonance imaging for collecting measurements of the human bony pelvis. American Journal of Human Biology e23753
Longman, D.P., Merzbach, V., Pinto, J.M., Atkinson, L.H., Wells, J.C.K., Gordon, D., Stock, J.T. (2022) Alternative Metabolic Strategies are Employed by Endurance Runners of Different Body Sizes; Implications for Human Evolution: Adaptive Human Behaviour and Physiology Special Issue. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. 8, 79–97.
Saers, J.P.P., Gordon, A.D., Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T. (2022) Growth and development of trabecular structure in the calcaneus of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) reflects locomotor behavior, life history, and neuromuscular development. Journal of Anatomy. 241, 67–81.
Cox, S.L., Moots, H., Stock, J.T., Shbat, A., Bitarello, B., Haak, W., Rosenstock, E., Ruff, C., Mathieson, I. (2022) Predicting skeletal stature using ancient DNA. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 177(1)162-174. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24426
Wells, J.C.K. Pomeroy, E., Stock, J.T. (2021) Evolution of lactase persistence: Turbo-charging adaptation in growth under the selective pressure of maternal mortality? Frontiers in Physiology 12 DOI=10.3389/fphys.2021.696516
Will, M., Krapp, M., Stock, J.T., Manica A. (2021) Different environmental variables predict body and brain size evolution in Homo. Nature Communications 4116.
Fellows Yates, J.A., Velsko, I.M, Aron, F., Posth, C., Hofman, C.A., Austin, R.M., Parker. C.E., Mann, A.E., Nägele, K., Arthur, J.W., Bauer, C.C., Crevecoeur. I., Cupillard, C., Curtis, M.C., Dalén, L., Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Díez Fernández-Lomana, J.C., Drucker, D.G., Escribano Escrivá, E., Francken, M., Gibbon, V.E., Gonzalez Morales, M., Grande Mateu. A., Harvati, K., Henry, A.G., Humphrey, L., Menéndez, M., Mihailović, D., Peresani, M., Rodriguez Moroder S., Roksandic, M., Rougier, H., Sázelová, S., Stock, J.T., Straus, L.G., Svoboda, J., Teßmann, B., Weedman Arthur, K., Walker, M.J., Power, R.C., Lewis, C.M., Sankaranarayanan, K., Guschanski K., Wrangham, R., Dewhirst, F.E., Salazar-Garcia, D.C., Krause, J., Herbig, A., Warinner, C. (2021) The evolution and changing ecology of the anthropoid primate oral microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 118 (20) e2021655118; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2021655118
Longman, D.P., Macintosh, A., Roberts, R., Oakley, S., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2021) Energetics as a driver of human morphological thermal adaptation; evidence from female ultra-endurance athletes. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 3, e22:1-15. DOI:10.1017/ehs.2021.17
Longman, D., Oyama, S., Cracknell, J., Thompson, N., Gordon, D., Stock, J., Wells, J.C.K. (2021) Fluctuating asymmetry, a marker of poor growth quality, is associated with adult male metabolic rate. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 175(3):646-655. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.24276
Ward, D.L., Schroeder, L., Pomeroy, E., Roy, J.C., Buck, L.T., Stock, J.T., Martin-Gronert, M., Ozanne, S.E., Silcox, M.T., Viola, T.B. (2021) Early life malnutrition and fluctuating asymmetry in the rat bony labyrinth. Anatomical Record. DOI:10.1002/ar.24601
Cameron, M.E., Pfeiffer, S.K., Stock, J.T. (2021) Small body size phenotypes among Middle and Later Stone Age southern Africans. Journal of Human Evolution 152:102943. DOI:10.1016/j.jhevol.2020.102943
Pomeroy, E., Stock, J.T., Wells, J.C.K. (2021) Population history and ecology, in addition to climate, influence human stature and body proportions. Scientific Reports 11:274. DOI:10.1038/s41598-020-79501-w.
Saers, J.P.P., Demars, L.J., Stephens, N.B., Jashashvili, T., Carlson, K.J., Gordon, A.D., Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T. (2021) Automated resolution independent method for comparing in vivo and dry trabecular bone. American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI:10.1002/ajpa.24181
Saers, J.P.P., Doershuk, L.J., Stephens, N.B., Jashashvili, T., Carlson, K.J., Gordon, A.D., Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T. (2021) Combinations of trabecular and cortical bone properties distinguish various loading modalities between athletes and controls. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 174(3):434-450. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.24176.
Maher, L.A., Macdonald, D.A., Pomeroy, E., Stock, J.T. (2021) Life, Death, and the Destruction of Architecture: Hunter-Gatherer Mortuary Behaviors in Prehistoric Jordan. Journal of Archaeological Research 61:101262 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaa.2020.101262.
DeMars, L., Stephens, N., Saers, J., Gordon, A., Stock, J.T., Ryan, T. (2020) Using point clouds to investigate the relationship between trabecular bone phenotype and behavior: An example utilizing the human calcaneus. American Journal of Human Biology e23468. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23468.
Macintosh, A., Stock, J.T. (2020) Muscle force interacts with stature to influence functionally-related polar second moments of area in the lower limb among adult women. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 173(2):258-275. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.24097
Ricklan, S., Decrausaz, S.L., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2020) Obstetric dimensions of the female pelvis are less integrated than locomotor dimensions: Implications for the obstetrical dilemma. American Journal of Human Biology 33(1):e23451. DOI:10.1002/ajhb.23451
Ward, D.L., Pomeroy, E., Schroeder, L., Viola, T.B., Silcox, M.T., Stock, J.T. (2020) Can Bony Labyrinth Dimensions Predict Biological Sex in Archaeological Samples? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31:102354. DOI:j.jasrep.2020.102354
Betti, L., Beyer, R., Jones, E.R., Eriksson, A., Tassi, F., Siska, V., Leonardi, M., Maisano Delser, P., Nigst, P., Stock, J.T., Pinhasi, R., Manica, A. (2020) Climate shaped how Neolithic farmers and European hunter-gatherers interacted after a major slowdown from 6,100 to 4,500 BCE. Nature: Human Behaviour. DOI:10.1038/s41562-020-0897-7
Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2020) Life history transitions at the origins of agriculture: a model for understanding how niche construction impacts human growth, demography and health. Frontiers in Endocrinology 11:325. DOI:10.3389/fendo.2020.00325
Longman, D., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2020) Human athletic palaeobiology; contemporary sport as a model to investigate human evolutionary adaptation. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 171(S70):42-59. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23992
Saers, J.,Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T, (2020). Baby steps towards linking calcaneal trabecular bone ontogeny and the development of bipedal human gait. Journal of Anatomy 236(3):474-492 DOI:10.1111/joa.13120
Longman, D.P., Macintosh, A., Roberts, R., Oakley, S., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2019) Ultra-endurance athletic performance suggests that energetics drive human morphological thermal adaptation. Evolutionary Human Sciences 1, e16, 1-15 DOI:10.1017/ehs.2019.13
Saers, J.P.P., Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T. (2019) Trabecular bone allometry in human groups with different subsistence strategies. Journal of Human Evolution 135:102654. DOI:10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.102654
Buck, L.T., De Groote, I., Hamada, Y. Hassett, B.R., Ito, T., Stock, J.T. (2019) Evidence of different climatic adaptation strategies in humans and non-human primates. Scientific Reports 9(1):11025. DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-47202-8
Pomeroy, E., Mushrif-Tripathy, V., Cole, T., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2019) Ancient origins of low lean mass among South Asians and implications for modern type 2 diabetes susceptibility. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 10515. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-46960-9
Macintosh, A.A., Stock, J.T. (2019) Intensive terrestrial or marine locomotor strategies are associated with inter‐ and intra‐limb bone functional adaptation in living female athletes. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168(3):566-581. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23773
Arthur, J., Curtis, M.C., Weedman-Arthur, K., Coltorti, M., Pieruccini, P., Lesur, J., Fuller, D., Lucas, L., Conyers, L., Stock, J., Stretton, S., R. Tykot. (2019) The Transition from Foraging to Food Production in the Gamo Highlands of Southern Ethiopia. African Archaeological Review pp 1-61. DOI: 10.1007/s10437-018-09322-w
Saers, J.P.P., Ryan, T.M., Stock, J.T. (2019) Trabecular bone functional adaptation and sexual dimorphism in the human foot. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 168:154–169. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23732
Doershuk, L.J., Saers, J.P.P., Shaw, C.N., Jashashvili, T., Carlson, K.J., Stock, J.T., Ryan, T.M. (2019) Complex variation of trabecular bone structure in the proximal humerus and femur of five modern human populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 168:104–118. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23725
Macintosh, A., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2018) Maternal investment, maturational rate of the offspring and mechanical competence of the female skeleton. Evolution, Medicine and Public Health 1(1):167–179. DOI:10.1093/emph/eoy015
Pomeroy, E., Mushrif-Tripathy, V., Kulkarni, B., Kinra, S., Stock, J.T., Shirley, M., Wells, J.C.K. (2018) Estimating body mass and composition from proximal femur dimensions using Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. ; DOI: 10.1007/s12520-018-0665-z
Buck, L.T., De Groote, I., Hamada, Y., Stock, J.T. (2018) Humans preserve non-human primate pattern of adaptation to climate. Quaternary Science Reviews. Volume 192:149–166. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.05.032
Payne, S., Kumar, B.C.R., Pomeroy, E., Macintosh, A., Stock, J.T. (2018) Thrifty phenotype vs cold adaptation: Trade-offs in upper limb proportions of Himalayan populations of Nepal. Royal Society: Open Science 5: 172174. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.172174
Scerri, E.M.L., Thomas, M.G., Manica, A., Gunz, P., Stock, J., Stringer, C., Grove, M., Groucutt, H.S., Timmermann, A., Rightmire, G.P., d’Errico, F., Tryon, C., Drake, N., Brooks, A., Dennell, R., Durbin, R., Henn, B., Lee-Thorp, J., deMenocal, P., Petraglia, M.D., Thompson, J.C., Scally, A., Chikhi, L. (2018) Did our species evolve in subdivided populations across Africa, and why does it matter? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 33(8):583-594. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.05.005
Scheib, C.L., Hongjie L., Desai, T., Link, V., Kendall, C., Dewar, G., Griffith, P.W., Moerseburg, A., Johnson, A.J.R., Potter, A., Kerr, S., Endicott, P., Lindo, J., Haber, M., Xue, Y., Tyler-Smith, C., Sandhu, M., Lorenz, J.G., Randall, T., Faltyskova, Z., Pagani, L., Danecek, P., O’Connell, T.,Martz, P., Boraas, A.S., Byrd, B., Leventhal, A., Cambra, R., Williamson, R., Lesage, L., Holguin, B., Ygnacio-de Soto, E., Rosas, J.T., Metspalu, M., Stock, J.T., Manica, A., Scally, A., Wegmann, D., Malhi, R.S., Kivisild, T. (2018) Ancient human parallel lineages within North America contributed to a coastal expansion. Science Vol. 360, Issue 6392, pp. 1024-1027, DOI: 10.1126/science.aar6851
Payne, S., Macintosh, A., Stock, J.T. (2018) Thermoregulatory function of the human hand: how do palm and digit proportions affect heat loss? American Journal of Physical Anthropology 166(4):803-811. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.23469
Ryan, T.M., Carlson, K., Gordon, A.D., Jablonski, N., Shaw, C.N., Stock, J.T. (2018) Human-like bipedal gait in Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. Journal of Human Evolution. 121:12-24. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.03.008
Longman, D., Surbey, M.K., Stock, J.T. Wells, J.C.K., (2018) Tandem androgenic and psychological shifts in male reproductive effort following a manipulated "win" or "loss" in sporting competition. Human Nature DOI: 10.1007/s12110-018-9323-5
Groucutt, H., Scerii, E., Alsharech, A., Armitage, S., Breeze, P., Buck., L., Candy, I., Drake, N., Duval, M., Grun, R., Kivell, T., Louys, J., Pomeroy, E., Stevens, N., Stock, J., Petraglia., M. (2018) Homo sapiens in Arabia, 85,000 years ago. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2:800–809. doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0518-2
Payne, S., Macintosh, A., Stock, J.T. (2018) Body size and body composition effects on heat loss from the hands during severe cold exposure. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 166:313–322. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.23432
Pomeroy, E., Macintosh, A., Wells, J.C.K., Cole, T., Stock, J.T. (2018) Relationship between lean mass, fat mass, and limb bone cross-sectional geometry: implications for estimating body mass and physique from the skeleton. American Journal of Physical Anthropology doi:10.1002/ajpa.23398
Young, M.B., Poole, K., Johannesdottir, F., Shaw,C.N., Stock, J.T. (2018) Assessing the accuracy of body mass estimation equations from pelvic and femoral variables among modern British women of known mass. Journal of Human Evolution doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.10.011
Cameron, M.E., Stock, J.T. (2018) Ecological variation in Later Stone Age southern African biomechanical properties. Journal of Archaeological Science – Reports 17:125-136. doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.10.033
Longman, D., Prall, S.P., Shattuck, E.C., Stephen, I.D., Stock, J.T., Wells, J.C.K., M.P. Muehlenbein. (2018) Short-term resource allocation during extensive athletic competition. American Journal of Human Biology 30(1):1-11. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23052
Macintosh, A.A, Pinhasi, R., Stock, J.R. (2017) Prehistoric women's manual labor exceeded that of athletes through the first 5500 years of farming in Central Europe. Science: Advances Vol. 3, no. 11, eaao3893. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aao3893
Will, M., Pablos, A., Stock, J.T. (2017) Long-term patterns of body mass and stature evolution within the hominin lineage. Royal Society: Open Science 4 171339; DOI: 10.1098/rsos.171339.
Longman, D., Stock, J.T., Wells, J.C.K. (2017) A trade-off between cognitive and physical performance, with relative preservation of brain function. Scientific Reports 7(13709) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14186-2.
Roberts, P., Boivin, N., Lee-Thorp. J., Petraglia, M., Stock, J.T. (2016) Tropical forests and human evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 25(6):306-317. DOI: 10.1002/evan.21508
Tobolsky, V.A., Kurki, H.K., Stock, J.T. (2016) Patterns of Directional Asymmetry in the Pelvis and Pelvic Canal. American Journal of Human Biology 28(6):804-810. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22870
Saers, J.P.P., Cazorla-Bak, Y., Shaw, C., Stock. J.T., Ryan, T.M. (2016) Trabecular bone structural variation in the human lower limb. Journal of Human Evolution. 97:97-108. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.05.012
Pomeroy, E., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2016) Obstructed labour: the classic obstetric dilemma and beyond. in Alvergne, A.; Jenkinson, C.; Faurie, C. eds. Evolutionary Thinking in Medicine: Advances in the Evolutionary Analysis of Human Behaviour. 33-45. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29716-3_3
Macintosh, A.A., Pinhasi, R., Stock, J.T. (2016) Early Life Conditions and Physiological Stress Following the Transition to Farming in Central/Southeast Europe: Skeletal Growth Impairment and 6000 Years of Gradual Recovery. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0148468. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148468
Stock, J.T., Macintosh, A.A., (2016) Lower limb biomechanics and habitual mobility among mid-Holocene populations of the Cis-Baikal. Quaternary International. 405(B):200-209. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.04.052
Gallego Llorente, M., Jones, E., Eriksson, A., Siska, V., Arthur, K.W., Arthur, J.W., Curtis, M. C., Stock, J.T., Coltorti, M., Pieruccini, P., Stretton, S., Brock, F., Higham, T., Park, Y., Hofreiter, M., Bradley, D.G., Bhak, J., Pinhasi, R., Manica, A. (2015) Ancient Ethiopian genome reveals extensive Eurasian admixture in Eastern Africa. Science 350(6257): doi: 10.1126/science.aad2879.
Macintosh, A.A., Davies, T.G., Pinhasi, R., Stock, J.T. (2015) Declining tibial curvature parallels ~6150 years of decreasing mobility in Central European agriculturalists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 157(2):260-275. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22710.
Longman, D., Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2015) Can Persistence Hunting Signal Male Quality? A Test Considering Digit Ratio in Endurance Athletes. PLoS One 10(4): e0121560. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121560
Will, M., Stock, J.T. (2015) Spatial and temporal variation of body size among early Homo. Journal of Human Evolution 82:15-33. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.02.009
Macintosh, A.A., Pinhasi, R., Stock, J.T. (2014) Divergence in Male and Female Manipulative Behaviors with the Intensification of Metallurgy in Central Europe. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112116. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112116
Davies, T.G., Stock, J.T. (2014). The influence of relative body breadth on the diaphyseal morphology of the human lower limb. American Journal of Human Biology 26(6):822.35. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22606
Macintosh, A.A., Pinhasi, R., Stock, J.T. (2014) Lower limb skeletal biomechanics track long-term decline in mobility across ~6150 years of agriculture in Central Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 52:376-390. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2014.09.001
Pomeroy E., Stock J.T., Cole T.J., O’Callaghan, M., Wells, J.C.K. (2014) Relationships between neonatal weight, limb lengths, skinfold thicknesses, body breadths and circumferences in an Australian cohort. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105108. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105108
Pomeroy E., Stanojevic S., Stock J.T., Miranda J.J., Cole T.J., Wells, J.C.K. (2014) Stunting, obesity and the individual-level ‘dual burden’ among urban lowland and rural highland Peruvian children. American Journal of Human Biology. 26(4):481-490. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22551
von Cramon-Taubadel, N., Stock, J.T., Pinhasi, R. (2013) Skull and limb morphology differentially track population history and environmental factors in the transition to agriculture in Europe. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences vol. 280 no. 1767. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.1337
Pomeroy E., Stanojevic S., Stock J.T., Miranda J.J., Cole T.J., Wells, J.C.K. (2013) Associations between arterial oxygen saturation, body size and limb measurements among high-altitude Andean children. American Journal of Human Biology 25:629-636. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.22422
Stock, J.T. (2013) The skeletal phenotype of 'Negritos' from the Andaman Islands and Philippines relative to global variation among hunter-gatherers. Human Biology 85(1):67–94. doi: 10.3378/027.085.0304
Stock, J.T., Shirley, M.K., Sarringhaus, L.A., Davies, T.G., Shaw, C.N. (2013) Skeletal evidence for variable patterns of handedness in chimpanzees, human hunter-gatherers, and recent British populations. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1288:86-99. doi: 10.1111/nyas.12067
Shaw, C.N., Stock, J.T. (2013) Extreme mobility in the Late Pleistocene? Comparing limb biomechanics among fossil Homo, varsity athletes and Holocene foragers. Journal of Human Evolution 64(4):242-249. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2013.01.004
Macintosh, A.A., Davies, T., Ryan, T.M., Shaw, C.N., Stock, J.T. (2013) Periosteal vs. true cross-sectional geometry: A comparison along humeral, femoral, and tibial diaphyses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 150(3)442-452. doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22218
Pomeroy E., Stock J.T., Stanojevic S., Miranda J.J., Cole T.J., Wells, J.C.K. (2012) Trade-Offs in Relative Limb Length among Peruvian Children: Extending the Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis to Limb Proportions. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51795.
Wells, J.C.K., DeSilva, J.M., Stock, J.T. (2012) The Obstetric Dilemma: An Ancient Game of Russian Roulette, or a Variable Dilemma Sensitive to Ecology? Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. 50:40-71.
Davies, T., Shaw, C.N., Stock, J.T. (2012) A test of a new method and software for the rapid estimation of cross-sectional geometric properties of long bone diaphyses from 3D laser surface scans. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 4(4):277-290. ASCIISection Software and instructions can be downloaded here.
Shaw, C.N., Hofmann, C.L., Petraglia, M.D., Stock, J.T., Gottschall, J.S. (2012) Neandertal humeri may reflect adaptation to scraping tasks, but not spear thrusting. PLoS One 7(7): e40349. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0040349
Maher, L., Richter, T., Stock, J.T. (2012) The Pre-Natufian Epipalaeolithic: Long-Term Behavioral Trends in the Levant. Evolutionary Anthropology 21(2):69-81.
Maher LA, Richter T, Macdonald D, Jones MD, Martin L, Stock, J.T. (2012) Twenty Thousand-Year-Old Huts at a Hunter-Gatherer Settlement in Eastern Jordan. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31447. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031447
Wells, J.C.K., Stock, J.T. (2011) Re-examining heritability: genetics, life history and plasticity. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 22(10):421-428.
Longman, D., Stock, J.T., and Wells, J.C.K. (2011) Fluctuating asymmetry as a predictor for rowing ergometer performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine 32:606-610.
Longman, D., Stock, J.T., and Wells, J.C.K. (2011) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and rowing ergometer performance in males and females. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144(3):337-341.
Stock, J.T. O’Neill, M., Ruff, C.B., Zabecki, M., Shackelford, L., Rose, J. (2011) Body size, skeletal biomechanics, mobility and habitual activity from the Late Palaeolithic to mid-Dynastic Nile Valley. In Pinhasi, R., & Stock, J.T. eds. Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 347-370.
Lieverse, A., Stock, J.T., Katzenberg, M.A., Haverkort, C. (2011) Bioarchaeology of habitual activity and dietary change in the Siberian mid-Holocene. In Pinhasi, R., & Stock, J.T. eds. Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 265-292.
Stock, J.T., Pinhasi, R. (2011) Changing paradigms in our understanding of the transition to agriculture: Human bioarchaeology, behaviour and adaptation. In Pinhasi, R., & Stock, J.T. eds. Human Bioarchaeology of the Transition to Agriculture. Wiley-Blackwell., p. 1-15.
Maher, L.A., Stock, J.T., Finney, S., Heywood, J., Miracle, P., and Banning, E.B. (2011) A Unique Human-Fox Burial from a Pre-Natufian Cemetery in the Levant (Jordan). PLoS One. January 2011: Volume 6(Issue 1)e15815.
Buck, L., Stock, J.T., and Foley, R.A. (2010) Intraspecific variation in the Catarrhine postcranial skeleton. International Journal of Primatology 31:779-795.
Stock, J.T., Migliano, A.B. (2009) Stature, Mortality, and Life History among Indigenous Populations of the Andaman Islands, 1871–1986. Current Anthropology 50(5):713-725.
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